The other achievements all have to do with unlock points which you will get by playing tournaments.
It's also possible that you do not yet have the 'We are the 1%' achievement but you just have to keep playing tournaments for that one.
To get the other achievements you will have to purchase things with unlock coins.
These are the achievements which are still left.
Chip on Your Shoulder
Purchase a set of chips.
Deck the Halls
Purchase a deck.
Felt Up
Purchase a felt.
We'll Drink to That
Purchase a drink.
Border Crossing
Activate the Borderlands deck, felt, and chips simultaneously.
Sam to the Max
Activate the Sam & Max deck, felt, and chips simultaneously.
Joint Venture
Activate the Venture Brothers deck, felt, and chips simultaneously.
Army Surplus
Activate the Army of Darkness deck, felt, and chips simultaneously.
This Was a Triumph
Activate the Portal deck, felt, and chips simultaneously.
Unlock all the Things
Unlock all decks, felts, and chips.
If you go to unlocks after winning a tournament try to buy as much of the things as you can but do it set by set.
Start out with the Borderlands set and go on untill you have all of the achievements.
To achieve the 'Border Crossing', 'Sam to the Max', 'Joint Venture', 'Army Surplus' and 'This Was a Triumph' achievements you have to start a tournament while having a full set equipped (deck, felt and chips).
If you have all the unlocks you will get 'Unlock all the Things'.
The only achievement which will be left is 'We'll Drink to That'.
You can achieve this achievement by purchasing a drink in the game, to do this click on the arrow in the bottom left corner and purchase a drink for a character.
The more drinks you buy them the more they show that they're bluffing.
It isn't needed to get them all drunk if you're using the method described before because it will just waste your unlock tokens.
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